Pupils, Parents, Staff and Governors
We believe that the strong support and involvement of parents with our school helps our pupils to achieve their very best. Pupils feel confident and secure when teachers and parents support each other and know what is expected. A great example of a pupils-parents relationship is parental help with homework. But sometimes, no matter how hard parents want to take part in their children's education, but it is difficult for them to remember the material they studied many years ago, so they turn to elite writing.
The pupil planner is a daily point of contact between parents and school. It contains practical details about everyday school life such as homework arrangements, important dates and information. We ask our parents to sign the planner once a week and, if they wish to add comments about their child’s work or behaviour at school. We also expect parents to help maintain the school’s code of behaviour by encouraging their son/daughter to develop self-discipline and to ensure that their child attends school regularly and is punctual.
Once a year, parents are invited to attend patents’ evenings to discuss the progress of their child with subject teachers. Further meetings take place on tutor days throughout the year when parents are invited to meet with their child’s form tutor to discuss work and progress. Additional special guidance evenings are held in some year groups e.g. Year Nine Option Choices, Sixth Form Choices Evening. A written report is sent home each year. The school newsletter, ‘Bedwas Highlights’, is sent home twice a year providing parents with news on important events and activities and the achievements of pupils and the school as a whole.
We aim to ‘get to know’ parents before pupils actually enter the school in Year Seven by holding meetings in the primary schools when pupils are in Year Six. Our open evening during the Autumn Term and our induction evening in the summer term provide further opportunities to meet parents prior to pupils entering the school. Parents are well represented on the Governing Body.
A 'Supportive parents group' meets half termly to help parents support their son/daughter with all aspects of their study.
Parents are always welcome to visit the school to discuss the welfare and progress of their child. However, parents should contact the school prior to the visit to ensure that the member of staff they wish to see can be available at a mutually agreeable time. Schools are busy places and all staff have teaching and other commitments. We cannot guarantee that parents can see a particular member of staff without a prior appointment.
Home-School Agreement
Our commitment to our partnership with Parents
At Bedwas High School, we particularly value the role of parents in the education of their child and we feel that a home-school agreement can become an important foundation upon which we can develop and improve our partnership with parents and the quality of education for all our pupils.
These agreements, which explain our aims, values and responsibilities and those of pupils and parents, are issued to all pupils on induction/entry into the school. Parents and pupils are asked to sign the agreement and return it to the school.
Attendance and Punctuality
If pupils are to succeed it is vital that they attend school regularly. Regular attendance reflects commitment and maximises opportunities for educational achievement. Attendance at school is a legal requirement up to the age of 16 and parents/guardians are required to ensure that their children attend school. At Bedwas High School, we aim to secure the highest attendance rate from all our pupils.
We ask all our parents to encourage and support good habits of regular and punctual attendance in their children by:-
Informing the school of dental appointments/hospital appointments before the date of the appointment
- Contacting the school on the first day of absence if their child cannot attend through illness or any other reason.
Whilst in school, absence from any lesson – without the permission of the teacher – is considered to be truancy. Pupils are not allowed to leave the premises during the morning (including break time) or afternoon sessions without the permission of a member of staff. Parents must give permission, in advance, (by letter or telephoning the school) if they require their son/daughter to leave the site during the day.
Non- Attendance at school
As a parent you are legally responsible for making sure that your child attends school. If your child fails to attend school without acceptable reason you risk getting a penalty notice or being prosecuted.
Arranging appointments and outings after school hours, at weekends or during school holidays will help to prevent disruption to your child's education and to the school. You should not expect the school to agree to your child going on holiday during term time and if you do take them out of school this too may result in a penalty notice.
Having difficulties getting your child to school?
If you are having difficulty in getting your child to school or think there may be a reason why your child does not want to go to school, you should speak to your child's class teacher for help and support.
We can also provide support by working directly with parents and schools. For example, where children have a long term illness, where families are in difficulty or where a child is being bullied.
Get in touch with us on 01443 866687 or email [email protected] for further information about school attendance.
Non Attendance (Fixed Penalty Notices)
The Welsh Government has introduced important amendments to legislation surrounding school attendance. The Education Act 1996 makes it a criminal offence for a parent to "fail to secure their child's regular attendance at the school"
The new amendments include a penalty notice scheme. This means that from September 2014 a headteacher can request the issue of a Fixed Penalty Notice for irregular attendance of a child or young person registered in their school. This includes pupils who attend an alternative education provision arranged by the Council.
Examples of when a Fixed Penalty Notice can be issued
- Unauthorised absences - Where at least 10 sessions (5 schools days) are lost to unauthorised absences; these do not need to be consecutive. You will receive a formal notification from the Head teacher explaining the actions that may be taken.
- Holidays in term time - A Fixed Penalty Notice can be issued for unauthorised leave of absence for 10 sessions (five school days) or more during term time; these have to be consecutive school days.
- Persistent late arrival - at least 10 sessions of late arrival at school after the register has closed (there are two sessions in a school day, morning and afternoon).
- Truancy - where a child or young person comes to the attention of the Police during school hours for being absent from their registered school without an acceptable reason.
Where both parents have responsibility for their child, each parent will receive a fixed penalty notice of £60 when paid within 28 days. If the fine is NOT paid within 42 days, no further action will be taken in connection with the offence. If the fixed penalty notice remains unpaid the parent / carer will be prosecuted in magistrate's court for the offence.
Who to contact: Education Welfare Service Learning Education and Inclusion Penalta House Tredomen Park Ystrad Mynach Hengoed CF82 7PG Tele: 01443 866687
For further information please click here.
Positive Discipline for Learning
Pupils are praised for good conduct and are encouraged to behave well. Where a pupil does not behave in an acceptable manner, attempts will be made to counsel the pupil, explaining the benefits of good behaviour. Our disciplinary procedures always attempt to be firm but fair. If misbehaviour continues then sanctions have to be imposed.
Bedwas High School will seek, at all times, the highest standards of behaviour from pupils. We expect the full support and co-operation of parents in this matter, in the belief that we are acting in the best interests of their children.
Raising Achievement
The school provides a successful learning environment in which all pupils are encouraged to reach their full potential.
We have a proven commitment to raising the levels of achievement of all our pupils throughout the full ability and age range.
We have high expectations of staff and pupils in our school working together and we are determined to continue to raise the standards of achievement of our pupils through excellent teaching and learning experiences. Pupils are expected to work hard in lessons and to achieve success. The school also provides a wide range of learning support for pupils with additional learning needs.
Study and revision clubs are organised by each department and these provide extra help throughout the year. These study and revision clubs are organised more often as pupils prepare for public exams.
In addition a homework club runs Monday to Friday 7.45 to 8.30, lunch time 13.10 to 13.50 and after school on Tuesday and Wednesday 15.00 to 16.00 these are supervised by our librarian and a teacher.
Our learning mentors also run academic support for pupils on Monday and Thursday from 3 to 5 pm. This is called Club 325 and is aimed at improving pupils learning.
Up-dated Sept 2014