Additional Learning Needs

Mrs H Marsh

Mr P James SPLD

Mrs A M Olden Literacy Co-ordinator

SpLD/Dyslexia/Access Arrangement

As you know we operate an inclusive policy with regard to ALN provision. All pupils are given equal access to every aspect of the school. There is one distinct group in Year 7/8, which provides a greater teacher/pupil ratio. Pupils are placed in this group on transition if their primary school recommends it. Group on transition is one of the links of evaluation and provision of additional information; if students have difficulties, they can always turn for help to the teaching staff, or to special services to buy term papers online. This group operates in the same way as the other Year 7/8 teaching groups and has full access to departments and subject specialists. Pupils regularly move in and out of this group.

The school has a team of three Learning Support Assistants (LSA’s) who are involved in providing a range of interventions. Many support sessions at KS4 take place in class, particularly if pupils have coursework or controlled assessment activities to complete. In KS3 the intervention tends to be small group teaching based around specific interventions in literacy/numeracy. These lessons are timetabled to ensure the least amount of disruption to normal lessons and never when core English/maths lessons are timetabled.

A number of pupils also receive specific support from LSA’s provided by the local authority. This is usually to satisfy the stipulations of a statement.

The Learning Support Department has a suite of two rooms at its disposal. These rooms are well resourced and are designed for the delivery of a number of different provisions. These rooms are based on the ground floor of B Block.


Pupils with ALN are identified in a variety of ways. Primarily, but not exclusively, these are advice from other schools, parental concerns, information from external agencies and standardised testing. Pupils are placed on the schools SEN register for a variety of reasons. However most are included as a result of concerns regarding their literacy abilities. National Test results, spelling and handwriting tests are used as a screen to identify pupils who may be experiencing difficulties. This is also used to gauge and track progress in literacy/numeracy.   

In line with local authority guidelines pupils who score SAS 80 or below are placed on the register at school action plus. These pupils are offered withdrawal Learning Support and their progress is closely monitored. In KS3 pupils who score above SAS 80, but who are still a cause for concern, will be offered a place in one of the withdrawal Basic Skills groups.

The school also operates a referral system for dyslexia and is managed by Mr. P. James, who holds SpLD qualifications.

The SEN register is held electronically within the school and is updated regularly by the Data/Exams Officer on the advice of the ALNCo. All members of staff are alerted to this information by it being flagged on their class lists.

Up-dated Nov 2015