Inspection Report 2014

Extracts from the 2014 Inspection Report

As you will no doubt be aware, Estyn returned to school to conduct a monitoring visit during October.  I am delighted to inform you that the report we have received is extremely positive and we have been taken out of the Estyn monitoring procedures.  We are very pleased with this report and the progress we have made as a school during the last 18 months.  Some of the positive comments can be seen below.

Estyn Monitoring – some of the positive comments

  • The school has implemented a series of appropriate actions that have had a clear impact on outcomes at KS4.

  • There has been a particular focus on improving the indicators that include English/mathematics. As well as access to support services, such as, where you can find help if homework seems difficult to children, or if you need thorough literature.

  • Level 2 performance improved by 17%.

  • Standards of pupils’ work and greater progress in learning ….give confidence that improvements can be sustained.

  • An appropriate balance of internal and external support for the improvement of teaching.

  • There is an appropriate focus on improving the accuracy of pupils spelling and punctuation.

  • Nearly all pupils writing is satisfactory and in many cases it is good.

  • A well understood marking and assessment approach is used by most staff and this is beginning to benefit pupils.

  • Nearly all pupils present their work well and nearly all know their targets and understand how their progress is monitored.

  • Most teachers plan effectively and design suitably challenging activities.

  • Senior and middle leaders have developed a sharper focus on the standards achieved and the progress made by pupils in lessons.

  • Most teachers ask pupils to assess their own work and that of others and this has a positive impact on improving the quality of pupils work.

  • Senior leaders now have a good understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Most lesson observation records evaluate teaching quality and pupil standards well.

  • In general, plans identify a range of sound strategies, especially for the improvement of teaching and assessment.

Please click here for the full report